Most Beautiful Flutter AlertsDialog Dependency
Custom dialog with blur background, popup animation, and progressDialog with native style.
Not only helps you display a dialog with a blurred background, NDialog is here to help you do many things. for example, with NDialog you can display ProgressDialog to the user once until it meets the end of the Future!

RFlutter Alert is a super customizable and easy-to-use alert/popup dialogs for Flutter. You may create reusable alert styles or add buttons as much as you want with ease.

A beautiful and custom alert dialog for flutter highly inspired from FancyAlertDialog-Android.

Commons Flutter package can used for Flutter Android and IOS applications. example/lib/main.dart
- Alert dialog
- Toast messages
- Single input dialog
- Single select dialog
- Multi select dialog
- Radio list dialog
- Options dialog
- Loading screen
- Extensions functions
- Stack trace screen
- Shared Preferences functions
- Value validators
- Date and Time functions
- Connection Functions

A new Flutter package project for simple and awesome dialogs.